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首页 > 供应产品 > 美国omega 氯分析仪
美国omega 氯分析仪
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 9
发货 广东深圳市付款后3天内
品牌 美国omega
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-08-29 10:15


Read Total Chlorine from 0.00-10.00 ppm to 0.01 ppm Resolution

  • Read Total Chlorine from 0.00-10.00 ppm to 0.01 ppm Resolution

  • Readings are not Affected by Sample Color or Turbidity

  • Extra Bold Display Includes an Analog Bar Graph Feature

  • Memory Saves Calibration Values and can Store up to 15 Readings

  • Chlorine and pH Modes also Displays Sample Temperature

  • Waterproof Design with Matte Finish Makes Opening Battery Compartment and Changing Probe Tips Easier

  • Automatic Shut-off and Low Battery Indicator Provide User Convenience; Uses Four LR-44 Batteries

  • Includes 100 Reagent Tablets at Almost Half the Price of Similar Chlorine ISE Reagents

  • Follows EPA Protocol for ISE Methods

  • 产品描述

    Pocket-sized ISE meter for measuring chlorine directly in parts per million. It can also be used to display sample temperature or test for pH and ORP. The unit includes 100 reagent tablets at almost half the price of similar Chlorine ISE reagents. Interchangeable flat surface sensor modules make this the most versatile pocket tester ever offered.