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首页 > 供应产品 > 美国omega 双通道自整定温度控制器CYC325
美国omega 双通道自整定温度控制器CYC325
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 9
发货 广东深圳市付款后3天内
品牌 美国omega
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-08-28 15:45


Supports Diode, RTD, and Thermocouple Sensors

  • Operates Down to 1.2 K with Appropriate Sensors

  • 2 Sensor Inputs

  • Supports Diode, RTD, and Thermocouple Sensors

  • Sensor Excitation (Current Reversal Eliminates Thermal EMF Errors for Resistance Sensors)

  • 2 Autotuning Control Loops: 25 and 2 W Max

  • Control Loop 2: Variable Vdc source from 0 to 10 V Max

  • IEEE-488 and RS232C Interfaces

  • 产品描述

    The CY325 Series dual-channel temperature controller is capable of supporting nearly any diode, RTD, or thermocouple temperature sensor. Two independent PID control loops with heater outputs of 25 and 2 W are configured to drive either a 50 or 25 Ù load for optimal control flexibility. Designed with ease of use, functionality, and value in mind, the CYC325 Series is ideal for general-purpose laboratory and industrial temperature measurement and control applications.

    Number of Inputs: 2 
    Input Configuration: Each input is factory configured for either diode/RTD or thermocouple 
    Isolation: Sensor inputs optically isolated from other circuits but not each other 
    A/D Resolution: 24-bit 
    Input Accuracy: Sensor dependent, refer to input specifications table 
    Measurement Resolution: Sensor dependent, refer to input specifications table 
    Max Update Rate: 10 rdg/s on each input (except 5 rdg/s on input A when configured as thermocouple) 
    Filter: Averages 2 to 64 input readings 
    Sensor Input Configuration Diode/RTD: 
        Measurement Type: 4-lead differential 
        Excitation: Constant current with current reversal for RTDs 
        Supported Sensors: Diodes, silicon, GaAlAs; RTDs, 100 ΩPlatinum, 1000 Ω Platinum, germanium, carbon-glass, CernoxTM, and RoxTM 
        Standard Curves: CY7 and CY670, PT-100, PT-1000, RX-102A, RX-202A 
        Input Connector: 6-pin DIN 
        Measurement: 2-lead, room temperature, compensated 
        Excitation: N/A 
        Supported Sensors: Most thermocouple types 
        Standard Curves: Type E, Type K, TypeT, AuFe 0.07% vs Cr, AuFe 0.03% vs Cr 
        Input Connector: Ceramic isothermal block 

    Control Loops: 2 
    Control Type: Closed loop digital PID with manual heater output or open loop 
    Tuning: Autotune (1 loop at a time), PID, PID zones 
    Control Stability: Sensor dependent, see input specification table 
    PID Control Settings: 
        Proportional (Gain): 0 to 1000 with 0.1 setting resolution 
        Integral (Reset): 1 to 1000 (1000/s) with 0.1 setting resolution 
        Derivative (Rate): 1 to 200% with 1% resolution 
    Manual Output: 0 to 100% with 0.01% setting resolution 
    Zone Control: 10 temperature zones with P, I, D, manual heater out, and heater range 
    Setpoint Ramping: 0.1 K/min to 100 K/min 
    Safety Limits: Curve temperature, power up heater off, short circuit protection 
    Front Panel: 
        Display: 2-line, 20-character, liquid crystal display with 5.5 mm (0.216") character height 
        Number of Reading Displays: 1 to 4 
        Display Units: K, °C, V, mV, 
    Reading Source: Temperature, sensor units 
        Display Update Rate: 2 rdg/s 
        Temp Display Resolution: 0.001° from 0 to 99.999°, 0.01° from 100 to 999.99°, 0.1° above 1000° 
        Sensor Units Display Resolution: Sensor dependent; to 5 digits 
        Other Displays: Setpoint, heater range, and heater output; user selected 
    Setpoint Setting Resolution: Same as display resolution (actual resolution is sensor dependent) 
    Heater Output Display: Numeric display in percent of full scale for power or current 
    Heater Output Resolution: 1% 
    Display Annunciators: Control input, remote, autotune 
    Keypad: 20-key membrane, numeric and specific functions 
    Front Panel Features: Front panel curve entry, keypad lock-out 

    IEEE-488 Interface Features: SH1, AH1, T5, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT0, C0, E1 
    Reading Rate: To 10 rdg/s on each input 
    Software Support: LabVIEWTM driver; consult factory for availability 
    Serial Interface: 
        Electrical Format: RS232C 
        Baud Rates: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 
    Connector: 9-pin D-style, DTE configuration 