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首页 > 供应产品 > 美国omega 单和双通道平板记录仪RD45A & RD46A
美国omega 单和双通道平板记录仪RD45A & RD46A
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 15
发货 广东深圳市付款后3天内
品牌 美国omega
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-08-28 15:40

单和双通道平板记录仪RD45A & RD46A

14输入量程,从1mV ~ 20VdcZero Suppression from –100 to 500%Even Marker Standard

  • 14 input Ranges from 1 mV to 20 Vdc

  • HOME Function Returns Pen to Plot Start

  • GRID Function Aligns Pen to Paper Grid

  • Zero Suppression from –100 to 500%

  • Even Marker Standard

  • Electric Pen Lift and Remote Control Options

  • Pen Offset Compensation Optional

  • 产品描述

    The RD45A single channel and RD46A dual channel flatbed recorders are ideal instruments for use in research, development and production, as well as in service and education applications. Designed for ease of use, these recorders have an ergonomic shape which allows the user to easily write comments on the chart, even next to the pen.

    The wide, 200 mm (8") chart is capable of recording measurements from 1 mV full scale to 20 V. Chart speeds from 0.1 mm/min to 20 mm/sec (1 mm = 0.03937") are available. The electric pen lift function will automatically lift the pens if the chart has not been advanced for 30 seconds; this will lengthen pen life, as well as keep the chart paper clean and easy to read.

    The RD45A and RD46A have built-in HOME and GRID functions. 
    The home function is useful for comparative measurements, where the chart is rewound automatically to the same starting point. The grid function moves the pen to an exact grid line on the chart, which allows for easy repetitive measurements. As an option, pen offset compensation is available. This eliminates the recording offset caused by the distance between the two pens.